?????????????(zrlouis@hotmail.com; louis_0609@163.com),???????????(????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)?????????(?????????????????????????)??????????????????????Pinkerton(???)??2002??????,??????????????? ??????????????????????????
???????????? CII ? WAD ????????,????????????????
Shen Zhen Factuality Private detective agency(CHINA) Inc., (Consulting & Investigation Services) based in Shen Zhen city, Guang Dong Province (the location between Guang Zhou city and Hong Kong) Our areas of specialization include: Fraud insurance claiming investigation, Corporation credit investigation, Internal investigation, Asset tracing before or after lawsuits, locating missing person, Extramarital affairs investigation, Surveillance activities, Infringement investigation of Trademark, Patent, Copy right …
Members of CII, WAD (the Council of International Investigators and the World Association of Detective)
We handle cases across mainland China, specially, it is convenient for us to operate case within guang dong province( such as in shen zhen city, dong guan city, zhu hai city etc) further more we have local investigators in most big cities of mainland China, especially we have partners in most districts around the globe. Please search our firm name for our contact info with search engine---GOOGLE for further communication on the case.