Paul Schroll PO Box 26034 Charlotte, NC 28221
Show Phone NumberPhone: (704) 596-5004 Alt. Phone: 866-596-5004
Corporate Intelligence Solutions

Corporate Intelligence Solutions specializes in insurance and corporate investigations and services. All services are available throughout the southeast 24 hours a day.
Corporate Intelligence Solutions can provide you or your company with a wide range of professional services to assist you with your needs. From background and pre-employment investigations to covert video for tracking employees and merchandise, we are able to provide you with the peace of mind you need. Our services include:
- General and Video Surveillance
- Locates – witnesses, associates, etc.
- Activity Checks
- Witness Interviews and Statements – Video, audio and written
- Business Liability Cases
- Employee Theft/Fraud
- Covert Video Cameras – built, installed, supplied
- Credit Delinquency Contact – interviews, inspections, collateral photographs/video
- Process Service
Corporate Intelligence Solutions can provide you with Insurance Claims Fraud Investigations, Credentials Investigations for Employees and Providers, Surveillance and many other services. You can count on us to obtain all evidence in a discreet and ethical manner while maintaining client confidentiality. Our services include:
- Workers Compensation Surveillance
- General Insurance Defense
- General and Video Surveillance
- Locates – witnesses, associates, etc.
- Activity Checks
- Clinic Inspections
- Witness Interviews and Statements – Video, audio and written
- Covert Video Cameras – built, installed, supplied
Corporate Intelligence Solutions can provide our professional surveillance services for use in domestic and child custody issues. We work closely with your attorney to obtain the best and most useful information possible, in order that there is no confusion to what is needed for your particular situation. This attorney/investigator collaboration is imperative for a successful conclusion for your situation. We would request that you have your attorney contact our office prior to initiating any investigative surveillance. Our services include:
- General and Video Surveillance
- Covert Video Cameras – built, installed, supplied
- Activity Checks
- Locates – witnesses, associates, etc.
- Statements – Video, audio and written
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