Missing Persons / Locating PeopleMissing person, locate someone, find address: however you are searching for a person, you have come to the right place for fast, affordable professional help locating someone. There are many reasons why you may need to locate someone. Our job is to help you do so.
We are not a “People Finder Instant Search” database company that gives you old, outdated public record information. We are licensed private investigators specializing in finding people, quickly and cost effectively. We have access to data, sources and other specialists that allow us to get you the result you want, not excuses.
Obviously, some people are harder to locate than others. Those wanted by law enforcement, hiding from creditors, drug users and others require more work to locate than the average person. We encourage you to tell us as much as possible about the person we are trying to locate ahead of time so we can give you an accurate perspective about the time and cost required.
If you find that you need more than just a simple locate or person search, our background check services will give you all the information you will need about someone’s background. Affordable Investigations is a full service private detective agency able to bring the full assets of our agency, with nationwide resources, to bear for you.
Missing Persons / Locating People